Reuben M. Potter to Mirabeau B. Lamar, June 5, 1841
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interpreter will enable him to render them into
Spanish. Should there not be time for this be-
tween his arrival at Austin and the march of
the expedition, I presume he can make the
translations in suitable style after its departure; pro-
vided there be a press at Santa Fe to print
them. If not, and one be needed there, I would suggest
as a cheap and portable substitute for such an
establishment to carry with the expedition a few lbs.
of type and one or two small forms with an ink ball, stick,
and a suitable quantity of printers ink, they are
to be had at Austin. With these articles, which
would weigh but little, hand bills and other small
impressions could be struck off by a process which
I think is technically called planing. The same
by which small proofs are taken; for among 400
volunteers I suppose there be some printers.
Mr. Mengle the engraver was expec-
ting to leave here shortly for Austin to en-
grave devices and mottoes on the guns conformably
with your request; but had heretofore been detained
from lack of a conveyance. I have furnished
him with some mottoes, as you directed; and
he is still desirous of executing the work; but as
he has understood that another artist is engraving
the two expeditionary pieces and may be engaged
for the other four, he wishes to learn before
starting whether you still need his services.
Reuben M. Potter to Mirabeau B. Lamar, June 5, 1841, Mirabeau B. Lamar Papers, Archives and Information Services Division, Texas State Library and Archives Commission.