College: Take Your Talking Book Service with You!

How exciting! You’re going off to college. It’s really your first true step into adulthood. So, it can be a little daunting too. But remember, you’re not alone; your talking book service can be there with you for this big transition.

If you’re going to a college in Texas, just call us to let us know your new contact information so we don’t lose touch!

But if you’re moving to a college out of state, don’t worry! No matter which state you move to, there is a talking book program service. And we can transfer your service to that state since you’ll be there for the majority of the year.  Once you’ve obtained your new address, give us a call about a week prior to your move at 1-800-252-9605 or send an email to


Unfortunately, the Talking Book Program does not have textbooks in our collection. But we do often have supplementary materials. For example, you’re taking a course on African American literature. We won’t have your textbook in our collection, BUT we have a lot of books written by and about African American authors. We also have general books about the Harlem Renaissance. Once you get your syllabus, feel free to contact us and see which books are in our collection. Or, better yet, search BARD.

Organizations with Accessible-Format Materials for Students

APH: Accessible Textbooks: An accessible textbook locator service.
Learning Ally: Learning Ally is a national nonprofit that provides reading materials in a variety of accessible formats for people with a wide range of reading disabilities, including blindness, visual impairment, dyslexia, and other learning differences. Students can browse the library, order and download audiobooks, and listen/study on PCs and Mac computers, smartphones and tablets running Android or Apple iOS, as well as on specialized assistive technology devices.
Bookshare® is a FREE, federally-funded library of ebooks designed for students with learning differences. Students who struggle to read traditional books are empowered to read in ways that work for them with specialized ebooks in audio, audio with highlighted text, large font, and braille.
Sight into Sound: An audio production service.

Other Helpful Resources

Let us know if there is other information you need. For example, if you’re writing a paper and need some research pointers, give us a call. Remember, even though you’re an adult, we are still your public library.