Texas Public Libraries: New Peer-Learning Trainings on Data Fluency and Summer Learning This Spring

Attention Texas public libraries: the Texas State Library and Archives Commission (TSLAC) invites you to participate in a new peer-learning program from March to July 2024. This program is designed to build public libraries’ capacity and skill to collect, analyze and communicate data, demonstrate the vital role of public libraries in using and analyzing data, and advance summer learning in their communities. Participation is free for public libraries in Texas.

To learn more about Edge 360, the learning platform we’re using, and the data fluency and summer learning cohorts, there will be introductory information sessions offered on January 30, January 31, or February 1 at 1:00 p.m. Central. Email Henry Stokes to request the registration link.

Your library can have up to three participants in one or both tracks:

Data Fluency Cohort: This peer-learning cohort will support library staff in deepening their understanding of data and data-informed decision-making. Libraries will attend a series of workshops that concludes at the end of six sessions. The series includes an introduction to data fluency, collecting, understanding, and using community, library and program data, and communicating data.

Summer Learning Cohort: The cohort is designed to support library leadership, position libraries as critical community anchors for learning, accelerate the public library’s role during the summer months, and reinforce the library as a place in the community for belonging. The Summer Learning Cohort will focus on deepening summer learning that targets middle school youth who historically have been excluded from STEM and other literacy opportunities.

After attending an information session, you’ll be able to register for one or both cohorts. The deadline to register is Friday, February 16, 2024. Email Henry Stokes with any questions and to request the registration link.

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