Please indicate if you would like us to mail you the digital cartridge or if you prefer to download it from BARD. Also, please let us know if you would like a reminder via email or phone-call (or both).

NLS Annotation: After a panther attacks her family and kills her mother, young Samantha sets out to stalk and kill the ferocious creature. She travels along with her half brother, Benjamin, a Tejano outlaw, and a preacher. The group is, in turn, pursued by a sadistic Confederate soldier with a score to settle. Violence and some strong language. Commercial audiobook. 2018.

We request that everyone remember the following:

  • Keep external distractions to a minimum.
  • Be courteous and be respectful of differing opinions.
  • Keep discussion points concise and relevant to the book.

We look forward to having you join us on Tuesday, August 20!

Texas Center for the Book Announces the 2024 Texas Great Reads

Graphic with text reading 2024 Texas Great Read Program Selections and covers of The Which Way Tree and The Mystery of the Monarchs, with the Texas Center for the Book and TSLAC logos.

Many libraries across Texas carry copies of The Which Way Tree and The Mystery of the Monarchs; we encourage you to check them out! Talking Book Program patrons may request the The Which Way Tree now (DB 90644) ,  and The Mystery of the Monarchs will be available soon! In addition, both books are available through E-Read Texas, TSLAC’s statewide program that provides e-books to small and medium-sized public libraries statewide; if your local library is part of this network, you can access the books this way, too.

Every year, the Library of Congress asks each state Center for the Book to select titles that represent the state’s literary landscape to highlight at the National Book Festival, an event showcasing the importance of books and reading. This year’s festival will be held August 24 in Washington, DC, and online. Check out the Library of Congress website for details.

This summer, TSLAC will hold two video webinars, one for each book, including a video interview with each author and the opportunity for readers to ask questions. Stay tuned for registration. These events will be free and available on TSLAC’s YouTube channel after airing.

The Texas Center for the Book invites Texans to read The Mystery of the Monarchs and The Which Way Tree. For more information on the 2024 Texas Great Read Program, including synopses of the books, information about the authors and illustrator, and upcoming events, visit