Proposed Changes to Minimum Library Accreditation Criteria: 2026 and Beyond

Minimum standards for accreditation of libraries in the Texas Administrative Code were last updated in 2014. Over the past 18 months, TSLAC has held extensive discussion and review of the existing criteria with librarians from every part of the state. A proposal of updated standards has been drafted, submitted, and approved for public comment by the Texas State Library and Archives Commission. The proposed rules will be posted in the Texas Register within the next few weeks. Once posted, the public will have 45 days to comment. Watch your email for an announcement on the posting.

With the goal of maintaining accreditation status of currently accredited libraries and to promote library development and cooperation, the rules have been revised for clarity and simplification, updating terminology and practices where needed. Many existing processes were codified in the new document to provide greater transparency and guidance.

Sample updates:

  • Population categories have been consolidated and streamlined;
  • Allowable charges for public library service have been expanded and detailed;
  • All minimum criteria for local operating expenditures have been increased.
  • The definition of the term, “professional librarian,” has been expanded to meet the criteria for serving libraries with legal service areas greater than 25,000.
  • A new section details the required published policies libraries must have.
  • The process to appeal an accreditation determination has been included.
  • And more.

Join members of the LDN accreditation staff to review the proposed criteria in a live discussion group Tuesday, November 19, 2:00 – 3:30 p.m. (central). Click to register or to receive the recording afterward: Proposed Changes to Minimum Accreditation Criteria: 2026 and Beyond. As this event is primarily informational in nature, CE credit will not be awarded. The session will be recorded; however, for maximum benefit, including the ability to ask questions in real time, we strongly encourage you to attend the live session.

If you have questions or comments about this topic, please direct them to

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