EntreLib Pitch Perfect Workshop

If you’re preparing to enter in the 2024 Entrepreneurship & Libraries Conference (EntreLib) Pitch Competition, or if you’re eager to learn the art of delivering a powerful pitch to secure funding for your business development, entrepreneurship, and economic development initiatives, watch the recording of EntreLib’s Pitch Perfect Workshop, and here are just a few takeaways from that meeting:

people waving hello in a Zoom meeting
  1. Test your pitch on other people.
    • Deliver your pitch to as many people as possible to get their valuable feedback. Surely, their observations and insight will help you know what components of your pitch need to be cut, developed, or included.
  2. Be yourself and be confident.
    • In addition to the feedback you’ll receive from your colleagues, friends, and family, record yourself and notice if there are any areas of your delivery that need a dose of confidence to let your unique communication style shine. Create and record a practice Zoom session to review your pitch (slides and all) or record yourself with your phone to evaluate your delivery. Also, make sure you feel your best with the background, attire, and environment you’ll use for the big day.
  3. Know who and what you’re talking about.
    • You may need to do research about your target audience, including the most effective ways to communicate and provide support to that group based on their priorities and specific needs. You’ll also want to tailor your pitch to the audience you’re trying to persuade to gain funding for your project, so if you are pitching to business experts or business-minded people, speak to them in their language.
  4. Be prepared to pivot.
    • After you’ve gained the funding and start executing your plan, remain flexible to shift appropriately, especially when you notice through continuous program assessment that certain aspects of your plan are not as effective or not producing the outcomes you envisioned. Remain open to making the necessary program changes for the benefit of your target group.
  5. Make your five minutes count!
    • Use the entire five minutes you have to pitch your idea, but do not go over time. Practice your timing well before pitch day to make sure your delivery is smooth and that it has the following qualities:
      • It is clear, compelling, complete, and concise.
      • It is structured in a logical manner.
      • It outlines the problem, the solution you propose, and the benefits for your target group.
      • You’ve included data and evidence where necessary to back up your claims and show your plan can work successfully.
      • I can communicate the key points within the allotted time.

Keep these important dates in mind, and stay up to date by visiting EntreLib’s website:

  • April 12, Friday: Pitch submissions deadline
  • April 22, Monday: Top three finalist libraries notified
  • May 14, Wednesday: Pitch competition (12 p.m. Central Time via Zoom, open to all, register here)

Last but not least, check out these other resources that were shared during the Pitch Perfect Workshop:

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