E-Read Texas is Moving to Boundless!

The E-Read Texas program is excited to announce that we are moving from the SimplyE app to the Boundless app from Baker & Taylor later this year. The transition to Boundless has already begun, and libraries will be live on the new app by October 1, 2024. Check out the Migration Information webpage for the latest information about the Boundless migration, including FAQs, webinar recordings, and upcoming training dates.

Boundless offers libraries all the same features as SimplyE, alongside much-requested features for patrons like wish lists, holds deferment, and a web interface. Boundless also offers more tools to increase patron engagement, such as integrating library programming into the app and creating custom collections to suit patron interests.

Libraries that already participate in the E-Read Texas program should have received informational emails about the move, including implementation forms to complete. If you have not received anything, please contact ebooks@tsl.texas.gov as soon as possible!

The E-Read Texas program provides e-books and downloadable audiobooks to small-to-medium sized public libraries across the state. The collection includes more than 20,000 e-book and audiobook titles, mostly comprised of adult fiction and popular non-fiction. Eligible Texas public libraries not already participating in the program can join later this year, once the transition to Boundless is complete. Check the E-Read Texas website to see if your library is eligible.

For questions about the E-Read Texas program, please contact Karen McElfresh, TSLAC Resource Sharing Projects Coordinator, at ebooks@tsl.texas.gov.

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