Upcoming Opportunities
These opportunities are available for free unless otherwise noted. Descriptions are provided by host organizations.
Collaborative Summer Library Program (CSLP) Newsletter
The most recent edition features information about upcoming opportunities for member input and the summer sale. Read the CSLP newsletter online or subscribe and receive it in your inbox each month.
TSLAC Family Place Libraries Grant–What It’s About and How To Participate
August 22, 2024 | 2:00 p.m. CT
Have you ever been curious about Family Place Libraries™? The Texas State Library and Archives Commission (TSLAC) is about to open grant applications for 2025. In this webinar, Family Place™ staff will discuss the early learning and community benefits of dedicating resources to becoming a Family Place™ certified library. TSLAC staff will discuss how to apply and make your application stand out. For more information, visit the event registration page or email Youth Services Consultant Katelyn Paterson at kpatterson@tsl.texas.gov.
National Medal for Museum and Library Service
September 6, 2024
The National Medal for Museum and Library Service is the nation’s highest honor for institutions that make significant and exceptional contributions to their communities. Since 1994, the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) has presented the award to outstanding libraries and museums of all types and sizes that deeply impact their communities. The window for museum and library nominations for the 2025 medal is now open through September 6, 2024. For more information, read the press release; applications are available via the IMLS website.
Association for Rural & Small Library’s (ARSL) 2024 Community Needs Assessment
September 17, 2024
The 2024 ARSL Community Needs Assessment is an opportunity to share how ARSL can better meet your needs as a library professional. Your opinion is valuable in shaping the future of the association. In fact, both members and non-members from the wider library community are invited to participate. The survey should only take 15-20 minutes to complete. Please submit responses by September 17, 2024. To submit a response, visit ARSL’s online form.
How to Apply for Network National Library of Medicine (NNLM) Funding
September 19, 2024 | 2:00 p.m. EDT | Online
This online class is designed for beginning grant proposal writers interested in NNLM funding, presenting a general overview of grant and funding processes as well as the level of detail required for a successful proposal. For more information, visit the event website.
Ongoing Tools
These tools are available for free unless otherwise noted. Descriptions are provided by host organizations.
Statewide Interlibrary Loan for Texas Public Libraries (webinar)
In this recorded webinar from the Texas State Library and Archives Commission’s New Director Orientation series, the Interlibrary Loan (ILL) Team provides an overview of the program, updates about the ILL system, and explanations of the migration from the current system to the new system. For access to the presentation recordings and resources, visit the “New Director Orientation” section of the Texas Public Library Management webpage.
For more information about the statewide ILL program, visit the Texas Statewide Interlibrary Loan Program webpage.
Digital Safety and Privacy for Librarians (webinar)
Join Melody Karle for this webinar on digital safety and privacy from a librarian’s perspective. How do we help patrons in this area and what guidance should and can we offer them in protecting themselves online? What are the best tools and resources? What privacy and digital safety issues might we be overlooking in our own library? Melody will also discuss how AI and social media complicate these already challenging issues. For more information, visit the event website.
Three Ideas for Communicating Across the Political Divide (TED Talk)
How does language shape our politics? Journalist Isaac Saul explores how subtle word choices can inhibit productive dialogue about significant issues — and shows how small (but important) changes can help us all have better conversations with people who think differently than us. For more information, visit the event webpage.
Mapping Homelessness: Visualizing Trends and Challenges
In the wake of the recent U.S. Supreme Court decision backing anti-camping laws, which significantly impacts homeless individuals across the nation, PolicyMap’s U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Homelessness data update comes at a crucial time. This refreshed dataset provides essential insights into homelessness, helping communities and policymakers better understand and respond to the ever-evolving challenges faced by homeless populations. For more information, visit the PolicyMap webpage.
Need more support?
Resource Archive
Wish you had access to a repository of all the tools that are featured in the monthly Library Management Updates? Check out our Resource Archive for more information.
Continuing Education
In addition, be sure to peruse our continuing education offerings. Our resources are constantly updated, so check back often.
For more information, visit our management services page or contact Christina Taylor at ctaylor@tsl.texas.gov.