Texas Public Library Management
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Library Management Services
The Texas State Library and Archives Commission (TSLAC) helps ensure that the directors and managers of public libraries in Texas have access to the information and resources they need to effectively manage their libraries to support their communities. This goal is achieved specifically by using the following tools to help libraries stay one step ahead and connected to our library management services.
- Libraries in the News Around Texas – Libraries in the News Around Texas is a weekly curation of news stories featuring libraries in the state of Texas, delivered straight to your inbox . Articles are shared for informational purposes and do not reflect the views of TSLAC. If something is published about your library, send the link to ld@tsl.texas.gov, and it will be shared in the next issue.
- New Director Orientation – A series of regular online sessions that provide public library directors that have been on the job five years or less a place to learn, share, and connect with each other and with TSLAC staff. New Director Orientation is brought to you by members of the Library Development and Networking (LDN) team. Please visit the links below to access previous session materials.
Presentation Recordings and Resources
- Library Management Updates – In this monthly post on TSLAC's Library Developments blog, we provide a round up of upcoming opportunities and ongoing tools pertaining to library management that have come to our attention over the past month. Although you can subscribe to the entire blog, there's no easy way to subscribe to the Library Management Updates exclusively. Alternatively, you can bookmark the link and create a Google alert to notify you of updates.
Literacy Programs, Initiatives, and Resources
TSLAC strives to ensure that the directors and managers of public libraries in Texas have access to the information and resources they need to effectively manage their libraries such that they support their communities. To that end, the literacy programs, initiatives, and resources below have been gathered for libraries’ convenience.