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The Texas State Library and Archives Commission (TSLAC) welcomes you to your new role! The Library Development and Networking Division (LDN) at TSLAC is your partner, providing Library Accreditation, Grant Opportunities, Consulting, and Training Services.
Library Accreditation
Texas Public Libraries Annual Report
Public libraries must submit an online report annually that is used to accredit public libraries in Texas. Contact LDN Accreditation staff at:
Any library that submits an Annual Report is eligible to order Summer Library Program
materials at no cost, through this agency and the Collaborative Summer Library Program
Benefits of Accreditation
Interlibrary Loan (ILL)
The Texas Navigator Group consists of the public libraries in Texas who borrow and lend material through interlibrary loan (ILL) using OCLC's Navigator system.
TexShare Programs
TexShare services are available to patrons of participating member libraries across Texas. Contact TexShare staff at
- TexShare Database Program has electronic resources licensed for the exclusive use of Texas libraries and their patrons.
- TexShare Card Program is a library card that lets you borrow books and other physical materials from participating libraries across the state.
E-rate is a Federal Communications Commission program that provides up to a 90% discount on Internet costs.
Grants and Funding
Competitive grants can help expand your programs and services, including special funding opportunities such as the Family Place Libraries™ Project.
Consulting and Training Service
These services are available to all Texas libraries, regardless of accreditation or reporting status.
Continuing Education
TSLAC offers extensive continuing education opportunities at no cost to library staff. This is a great way for public library directors to obtain the required 10 hours of continuing education every year.
Library Consulting Services
In-house consulting and continuing education programs are available to any library in the state.
Small Library Management Training Program
This ongoing educational program provides management and foundational library skills to librarians without master's degrees in library science that work in small community libraries in Texas.