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Texas State Library and Archives Commission Agenda

April 19, 2017 – 8:30 a.m.

Room 205, Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center
900 E. Market St., San Antonio, Texas

The Library and Archives Commission may deliberate on and/or take action on any of the following agenda items.

The commission may go into executive session on any agenda item, as authorized by the Open Meetings Act, Gov't Code Chapter 551.


  1. Welcome, introductions, and general announcements.

  2. Approve minutes of February 6, 2017 Commission meeting.

  3. Public Comment.

  4. Conflict of interest disclosures.

  5. Review of consent agenda: non-substantive corrections in other agenda items such as spelling, numbering, punctuation, grammar, or other revisions.

  6. Review and approve Internal Audit Report on Purchasing and HUB Compliance.

  7. Review and approve acceptance of grants and gifts greater than $500 Gift of $5,324.00 from CCATT Holdings LLC; gift of $90,202.00 from the Atascosito Historical Society.

  8. Review and approve the following contracts greater than $100,000, contract renewals, and amendments:

    HF Group, LLC, $4,980.50; DIR, $631,384.54; Thompson Reuters, $33,145.60; Southwest Solutions Group, $5,000.00; Garza and Gonzales, $56,475.00; TSLAC Records Management Division, $138,000.00; two contracts with Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc., in the following amounts: $1,000,000.00 and $389,500; EBSCO Information Services, five contracts in the following amounts: $4,807,432.86, $697,000.00, $142,475.00, $77,929.80, $45,090.83; ProQuest, LLC, two contracts in the following amounts: $846,397.25 and $66,096.00; Cengage Learning, Inc., four contracts in the following amounts: $425,000.00, $390,000.00; $829,922.50, $1,500,000.00;, $564,590.00; the following renewals at no cost: Cengage Learning, Inc., EBSCO Information Services, Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc., ProQuest, LLC, and RAND; and a new contract not to exceed $100,000 to upgrade the Talking Book Program automation system.

  9. Status report and discussion of TSLAC agency sunset review.

  10. Report on LSTA evaluation.

  11. Discussion of LSTA five-year plan.

  12. Report of the Director & Librarian: may include information or updates on agency programs (Talking Book, Library Resource Sharing, Library Development, Information Resources Technologies, State and Local Records Management, Archives & Information Services, Administrative Services, Communications Office, and Center for the Book). Also includes key meetings and activities, Friends of Libraries & Archives of Texas, and the status of the following new or ongoing issues:

  13. Executive Session under the Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code, Chapter 551, including but not limited to:

    A.  §551.071(1) (A), for consultation with legal counsel to discuss pending or contemplated administrative actions and pending or contemplated litigation including the Ambonare contract, Tex. Gov’t Code, Ch. 2260 claim.

    B.  §551.071(2) for the purpose of seeking the advice of and for attorney-client privileged communications with legal counsel, including  matters related to the legal requirements of the Library and Archives Commission and its commissioners.

  14. Authorization to propose repeal and replacement of 13 TAC §6.91-6.97, regarding State Electronic Records Rules.

  15. Approval of preliminary records storage and imaging fee schedules for FY2018.

  16. Report on agency expenditures summary.


Meeting Accessibility: Under the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Library and Archives Commission, upon request, will provide auxiliary aids and services. Those requesting auxiliary aids or services should notify Tracy Lash at the Library and Archives Commission, 1201 Brazos St., Austin, TX 78701, (512) 463-5460,, or RELAY Texas (TTY: 7-1-1), as far in advance of the meeting as possible.

Page last modified: April 17, 2017