Texas State Library and Archives Commission Agenda
February 20, 2020 – 8:30 a.m.
Lorenzo de Zavala State Archives and Library Building, 1201 Brazos Street
Austin, Texas
The Library and Archives Commission may deliberate on and/or take action on any of the following agenda items.
The commission may go into executive session on any agenda item, as authorized by the Open Meetings Act, Gov't Code Chapter 551.
Oath of office for new or reappointed commissioners.
Welcome and introductions. EOQs, Resolutions
Election of vice-chairman.
Minutes of November 1, 2019 Commission meeting.
Public Comment.
Conflict of interest disclosures.
Review and approve acceptance of a gift of $500 or greater. National Historical Publications & Records Commission grant; Gifts to Talking Book Program, $81,333 and $500.
Review and approve the following contracts greater than $100,000, contract renewals, and amendments. Four contracts for Cengage for $1,500,000, $1,320,740, $425,000 and $390,000; Credo, $675,000; four contracts for EBSCO for $5,100,206, $1,056,193, $153,430 and $85,156; Encyclopedia Britannica, $1,000,000; Infobase, $484,750; two contracts for ProQuest for $70,176 and $916,842; Teaching Books, $581,969.
Review and approve proposed contract approval procedures.
Review and approve committee assignments.
Report on Archives and Records Committee meeting.
Report status of pending and anticipated review or amendment of agency administrative rules.
Report on staff efforts to address archives backlog.
Review and approve University of Houston request to site a research station at the Sam Houston Center.
Discussion of 2020 planning calendar.
Report of the Director & Librarian: may include information or updates on agency programs (Talking Book, Library Resource Sharing, Library Development, Information Technology Services, State and Local Records Management, Archives & Information Services, Administrative Services, Communications Office, and Center for the Book). Also includes key meetings and activities, and the Friends of Libraries & Archives of Texas.
Review and approve Border Cities Grants.
Review and approve Family Place Grants.
Authorization to post in the Texas Register adoption of amendments to 13 TAC 2.111, General Selection Criteria; 13 TAC 2.117, Grant Review and Award Process; and 13 TAC 2.118, Decision Making Process.
Authorization to post in the Texas Register a proposed review of 13 TAC Chapter 4, School Library Programs.
Authorization to post in the Texas Register a proposed review of 13 TAC Chapter 8, TexShare Library Consortium.
Authorization to post in the Texas Register adoption of new 13 TAC 2.76, Enhanced Contract Monitoring.
Authorization to post in the Texas Register adoption of amendments to 13 TAC 2.51, Public Record Fees.
Authorization to post in the Texas Register adoption of proposed amendments to 13 TAC 7.125(a)(10), Local Schedule EL: Records of Elections and Voter Registration.
Authorization to post in the Texas Register proposed amendments, new rules, and repeals to 13 TAC Chapter 2:
• Amendments: 2.3, Procedures of the Commission (relating to number of commission meetings per year); 2.7, Library Systems Act Advisory Board (relating to establishment of the advisory committee); 2.8, Texas Historical Records Advisory Board (relating to establishment of the advisory committee); 2.46, Negotiated Rulemaking; and 2.48, Petition for Adoption of Rule Changes.
• New: 2.5, Advisory Committees; General Requirements (relating to general requirements for advisory committees) and 2.9, TexShare Library Consortium Advisory Board (relating to establishment of the advisory committee).
• Repeal: 2.6, Sunset Dates for Advisory Committees, and 2.57, Petition for the Adoption of a Rule.
Future commission meeting dates.
Report on agency expenditures summary.
Meeting Accessibility: Under the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Library and Archives Commission, upon request, will provide auxiliary aids and services. Those requesting auxiliary aids or services should notify Tracy Lash at the Library and Archives Commission, 1201 Brazos St., Austin, TX 78701, (512) 463-5460, tlash@tsl.texas.gov, or RELAY Texas (TTY: 7-1-1), as far in advance of the meeting as possible.