Texas State Library and Archives Commission Meeting
November 3, 2022 and November 4, 2022, 8:30 a.m.
The Texas State Library and Archives Commission met on Thursday November 3 at 1:00 p.m. and Friday, November 4, 2022, 8:30 a.m. at the Sam Houston Regional Library and Research Center, 650 FM 1011, Liberty, Texas 77575.
Commissioners Present:
Martha Wong, Chair
Arthur Mann
Bradley S. Tegeler
Darryl Tocker
David Garza
David Iglesias
Nancy Paup
Commissoners Absent:
Staff Present:
Gloria Meraz, Director and Librarian
Donna Osborne, Chief Operations and Fiscal Officer
Sarah Swanson, General Counsel
Jelain Chubb, Director, Archives and Information Services
Craig Kelso, Director, State and Local Records
Mike Ford, Director, Information Technology Services
Bettina Williams, Executive Assistant
Guests Present:
Sandra Pickett, Former TSLAC Commissioner
Kevin Mathis, TFC Project Manager, Texas Facilities Commission (Nov 4)
1. Welcome and introductions
Chairman Wong called the meeting to order on November 3 at 1:00 p.m. and stated that the agenda was posted with the Secretary of State on the Texas Register on October 25, 2022. She welcomed everyone to the meeting.
2. Roll Call for Members and Establishment of a Quorum
Chairman Wong introduced the guest Sandra Pickett, former Chair of the TSLAC commission, the new Assistant State Librarian Tim Gleisner and Alana Inman, Manager at the Sam Houston Center.
Chairman Wong took a roll call of commission members and established that a quorum was present.
3. Approval of Minutes of the August 19, 2022, Commission Meeting
Commissioner Tocker moved to accept the meeting minutes. Commissioner Tegeler seconded the motion. All commissioners voted in favor, and the minutes were approved unanimously.
4. Public Comment
No public comments were received. Sandra Pickett, a former Chair of the TSLAC commission and native to Liberty, introduced herself.
5. Conflict of Interest Disclosures
No conflict of interest was presented.
6. Acceptance of a Gift of $500 or greater:
Donna Osborne requested acceptance of the following donations of $500 or more during this period:
- A gift of $1,000 from Lynnwood and Janice Givens for use at the Sam Houston Center.
- A gift of $2,500 to the Talking Book Program from Carol Toberny, the daughter of former TBP patron, Betty Zapalac, who lived in Dallas.
Commissioner Mann moved to accept the donations the agency received. Commissioner Garza seconded the motion. All commissioners voted in favor, and the minutes were approved unanimously.hairman Wong read the commemorative resolution in recognition of Lynwood Givens and thanked him for his ten years of faithful and dedicated service which has improved the lives of all Texans and TSLAC staff and wished him the very best good fortune in all present and future endeavors.
7. Review and Approval the following Contracts, Contract Renewals, and Amendments
a) Erica McCormick requested approval to renew the contract with Catapult Systems, LLC for a one-year term, January 1, 2023, through December 31, 2023, in an amount not to exceed $77,000 and to increase the total not-to-exceed amount for this contract to $381,936.
Commissioner Tocker moved to approve the contract renewal not to exceed $77,000 and increase the total contract amount by $6,936. Commissioner Iglesias seconded the motion. All commissioners voted in favor, and the motion passed unanimously.
b) Erica McCormick requested an increase with not-to-exceed totals, for contracts with Cengage Learning by $883,500 for perpetual access e-books for TexShare and TexQuest programs.
Commissioner Tegeler moved to approve the increase of the total contract amount by $883,500 not-to-exceed totals. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Paup. All commissioners voted in favor, and the motion passed unanimously.
c) Jelain Chubb requested approval to extend the contract with Johnson Controls for the expansion of a fire suppression system at the Sam Houston Center (extension through 8/31/23).
Commissioner Tocker moved to approve the contract extension for the fire suppression system with Johnson Controls through 8/31/2023. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Iglesias. All commissioners voted in favor, and the motion passed unanimously.
d) Craig Kelso requested approval to contract with a new vendor for an integrated inventory, billing, and tracking system to support and improve the operations of the State Record Center.
Commissioner Tegeler moved to approve the solicitation, award, and execution of a contract with a qualified vendor in an amount not to exceed $150,000 for the initial year, with optional annual renewals, to the vendor that provides the best value to the agency and the state. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Paup. All commissioners voted in favor, and the motion passed unanimously.
e) Mike Ford requested approval of a contract with the Department of Information Resources (DIR) or a DIR-approved vendor for website and accessibility enhancements and translation services (not to exceed $500,000)
Commissioner Mann moved to approve a contract with DIR or a DIR approved vendor for website and accessibility enhancements and translation services not to exceed $500,000. Commissioner Garza seconded the motion. All commissioners voted in favor, and the motion passed unanimously.
8. Report of the Libraries and Talking Book Committee, including:
The TSLAC Libraries and Talking Book Committee met on October 18 and discussed the following items:
- Update on targeted review of the School Library Standards
- Update on process to review and update minimum criteria for public library accreditation
- Update on activities of the Talking Book Program.
Chairman Tocker gave an update on these items. This was a discussion item only; no action was required.ommissioner Tocker presented an update from the committee. As this was an information item only, no action was required.
9. Sarah Swanson requested approval to publish a Notice of Intent to Review 13 TAC Chapter 9, Talking Book Program.
Commissioner Paup moved to publish a Notice of Intent to Review 13 TAC Chapter 9, Talking Book Program. Commissioner Tegeler seconded the motion. All commissioners voted in favor, and motion passed unanimously.
10. Jelain Chubb requested approval to publish the proposed new sections in the Texas Register for the purpose of receiving public comment.
The proposed actions include the following:
- Repeal of existing §10.1, Definitions, and proposal of new §10.1, Definitions, with seven new defined terms
- Amendments to §10.2 to change “commission” to “agency” as necessitated by the newly proposed definitions
- Repeal of existing §2.59, Loan and Exhibition of State Archives, and proposal of new §10.3, Loan and Exhibition of State Archives with amended language
- New §10.4, Reappraisal and Deaccessioning of Items, outlining the process for the reappraisal and deaccessioning of items from the State Archives
A directive was issued after Commissioner Garza’s request to add language to the process regarding the new proposed rule §10.4. Reappraisal and Deaccessioning of Items. The binding collective decision was that the Director and Librarian will inform the commission in her reports about the removal of significant items from the archives collection prior to their deaccessioning.
Commissioner Mann moved to publish the proposed new sections in the Texas Register for the purpose of receiving public comment. Commissioner Garza seconded the motion. All commissioners voted in favor, and motion passed unanimously.
11. Sarah Swanson requested approval to publish the proposed amendments to §1.21, State Plan for Library Services and Technology Act in Texas; and repeal of §1.22, Circulation
Commissioner Tegeler moved to publish the proposed new sections in the Texas Register for the purpose of receiving public comment. Commissioner Paup seconded the motion. All commissioners voted in favor, and the motion passed unanimously.
12. Update on the 88th Legislative Session
Gloria Meraz gave an update on the on the 88th legislative session and information on committees and dates of interest. This was a discussion item only; no action was required.
13. Report of the Director & Librarian
Gloria Meraz presented an update on agency activities. This was an information item only. No action was required.
14. Presentation on Agency Procurement Process
Sarah Swanson reviewed the agency’s procurement and contracting procedures. This was an information item only. No action was required.
15. Tour of Facilities
A quorum of the commission participated in a tour of the San Houston Center, including the historical buildings on the campus.
16. Recess
Chairman Wong recessed the meeting at 4:24 p.m. until Friday, November 4, 8.30 a.m.
17. Reconvene
Chairman Wong called the meeting back to order on Friday, November 4, 8:31 a.m.
18. Update on Sam Houston Center
Jelain Chubb introduced Kevin Mathis, TFC Project Manager. They gave an update on the status of repairs to buildings on the center campus and future work. This was a discussion item only. No action was required.
19. Report on Agency Expenditures Summary
The Chief Operations and Fiscal Officer reported on agency expenditures. This was an information item only. No action was required.
20. Executive Session
The commission went into executive session at 9:09 a.m., and Chairman Wong called the open meeting back to order at 9:16 a.m.
21. Adjournment
Chairman Wong thanked the commission and staff for a thorough discussion and hard work and adjourned the meeting at 9:24 a.m.