Texas State Archives Map Collection

Texas and part of Mexico and the United States Showing the Route of the First Santa Fe Expedition
Date: 1844
Publisher: Harper and Brothers, New York. Engraved by W. Kimble, New York. Reprint.
Cartographer: Kimble, W., New York
Scale: none given
Size: 41 cm x 30 cm
Type of Map: general
Format: black & white, engraved, lithographed, printed
Language: English
AC Number: 00075
Photo Media: -- None Listed --
File Size: 36.43 MB

Texas and part of Mexico and the United States Showing the Route of the First Santa Fe Expedition Image:

Shows rivers, mountainous and forested areas, towns, buffalo herds, an Indian village, and various routes and trails in addition to the Santa Fe Expedition. Long. 90 - 106 deg. This map was published in Narrative of the Texas Santa Fe Expedition Comprising a Description of a Tour Through Texas, and across the Great Southwestern Prairies, the Comanche and Caygua Hunting-grounds, with an account of the suffering from want of food, horses, from Hostile Indians, and Final Capture of the Texans, and their march as Prisoners, to the City of Mexico, by George Wilkins Kendall (New York, 1844, 1845, and 1935). 4/22/82

The Texas State Archives Map Collection contains original, photo-reproduced, and compiled maps covering the period from the early seventeenth through the late twentieth centuries. For general information about the holdings and descriptive information available, read the map introduction and indexes and types of maps webpages. For our copy policy, view our webpage on preservation, access, and reproductions.

For information on additional maps in our holdings, read Maps in Other TSLAC Collections.