Texas State Archives Map Collection

Regni Mexicani seu Novae Hispanie Ludovicianae, N. Angliae, Carolinae, Virginae, et Pennsylvaniae, nec non Insularum Archipelagi Mexicani in America Septentrionali
Date: 1725
Publisher: -- None Listed --
Cartographer: -- None Listed --
Scale: 1 inch = 55 Galic miles
Size: 47 cm x 57 cm
Type of Map: general
Format: color, engraved, lithographed, printed
Language: Latin
AC Number: 00385
Photo Media: col/b&w neg./prints, photo 1973/210-1,2; col. trans. 1992/23-1

Regni Mexicani seu Novae Hispanie Ludovicianae, N. Angliae, Carolinae, Virginae, et Pennsylvaniae, nec non Insularum Archipelagi Mexicani in America Septentrionali Image:
Sorry, no image available.

Rough translation of title: (Region of Mexico or New Spain, Louisiana, New England, Carolina, Virginia, and Pennsylvania, and also islands off the Mexican Peninsula in North America) Subtitle: "Accurata Tebula exhibita A. Joh. Baptista Homanno, Noribergae, 1725" (Accurate table, drawn by Johann Baptist Homann, in Nuremburg, 1725) Also covers New France or Canada, the English colonies of New York, New Jersey, Maryland, Delaware, and the northern coast of South America, in addition to locations mentioned in the title. The provinces of New Spain are outlined. Texas is located in the province of Louisiana, which extends from the Atlantic Coast of Florida to the Rio Grande, and up to the Ohio River. The land above this is labeled Canada or New France. Shows rivers, mountainous areas, lakes, towns and settlements, forts, missions, mines (in Mexico), Indian tribes, and ship routes in the West Indies. The map is decorated with engravings of Indians, explorers, and war galleons. The map is in Latin. The color copy of the map is in storage, a photostat is available for reference use. Map 442 is another (seemingly identical) version, done by a different cartographer. Long. 325 - 260 deg. 6/11/82

The Texas State Archives Map Collection contains original, photo-reproduced, and compiled maps covering the period from the early seventeenth through the late twentieth centuries. For general information about the holdings and descriptive information available, read the map introduction and indexes and types of maps webpages. For our copy policy, view our webpage on preservation, access, and reproductions.

For information on additional maps in our holdings, read Maps in Other TSLAC Collections.