Texas State Archives Map Collection

Amplissimae Regionis Mississipi Seu Provinciae Ludoviciane
Date: 1720 c.
Publisher: -- None Listed --
Cartographer: Hommano, Johann Baptiste, Nurembergg
Scale: 2 1/2 in. = 55 Ger. miles
Size: 49 cm x 58 cm
Type of Map: general
Format: color, engraved, lithographed, printed
Language: Latin & French
AC Number: 00401
Photo Media: -- None Listed --
File Size: 62.30 MB

Amplissimae Regionis Mississipi Seu Provinciae Ludoviciane Image:

Rough translation of title: (Amplified Region of the Mississippi of the Province of Louisiana) Subtitle: "a R.P. Ludovico Hennepin Francise Miss in America Septentrionali, Anno 1687 detectae, nunc Gallorum Coloniis, et Actienum Negotiis toto Orbe Celeberrimae, Nova Tabula" (According to the Rev. Father Louis Hennepin, Franciscan Missionary in North America, 1687, showing the glorius colonies and our actions in the celebrated orb) Covers New Mexico; Florida; the territory of Louisiana, which includes Texas; the British colonies of Carolina, Maryland, Virginia, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, and New England; part of Canada; the Bahamas; and the West Indies. Shows are rivers, lakes, mountainous and forested areas, mines, routes and trails--including those of De Soto, missions, forts, cities, towns, and Indians tribes and villages. The site of La Salle's murder is noted. There are notes throughout the map regarding Indians, explorers, topography, and general notes about the French and Spanish battles and establishments. The cartouche or title is in Latin and the body of the map is in French. This map is very similar to map 362, probably were made from the same base map. 6/17/82 Revised 10/22/97

The Texas State Archives Map Collection contains original, photo-reproduced, and compiled maps covering the period from the early seventeenth through the late twentieth centuries. For general information about the holdings and descriptive information available, read the map introduction and indexes and types of maps webpages. For our copy policy, view our webpage on preservation, access, and reproductions.

For information on additional maps in our holdings, read Maps in Other TSLAC Collections.