Texas State Archives Map Collection

Reconnoissances of Routes from San Antonio de Bexar to El Paso Del Norte, & c.
Date: 1849
Publisher: Reconnoissance by Lieutenant W.H.C. Whiting, U.S. Engineers, 1849. Lithographed by P.S. Duval's Lithographic Steam Press, Philadelphia.
Cartographer: Bryan, F.T., Lieutenant, et al.
Michler, N.H., Lieutenant, et al.
Smith, W.F. Lieutenant, et al.
Johnston, J.E., Brevet Lt. Col., et al.
Scale: 1 inch = 20 miles
Size: 63 cm x 92 cm
Type of Map: military
Format: color, engraved, lithographed, printed
Language: English
AC Number: 01529
Photo Media: -- None Listed --
File Size: 38.64 MB

Reconnoissances of Routes from San Antonio de Bexar to El Paso Del Norte, & c. Image:

Shows bays, rivers, springs, water holes, mountainous and forested areas, forts, camps, towns, reconnaissance routes with dates--some giving names of leaders, roads, routes and trails-- including Indian trails, and presidios. Some of the routes are highlighted in red and blue. Long. 95 - 107 deg. This map appears in the report, U.S. Congress, Senate, Executive Document, no. 64, Reports of the Secretary of War, with Reconnaissances of Routes from San Antonio to El Paso, by Brevet Lieutenant Colonel J.E. Johnston, et al., of Quartermaster Department; also the Report of Captain R.B. Marcy's Route from Fort Smith to Santa Fe and the Report of Lieutenant J.H. Simpson of an Expedition into the Navajo Country; and The Report of Lieutenant W.H.C. Whiting's Reconnaissance of the Western Frontier of Texas, 31st Congress, 1st Session, July 1850, opposite page 250. 6/14/83

The Texas State Archives Map Collection contains original, photo-reproduced, and compiled maps covering the period from the early seventeenth through the late twentieth centuries. For general information about the holdings and descriptive information available, read the map introduction and indexes and types of maps webpages. For our copy policy, view our webpage on preservation, access, and reproductions.

For information on additional maps in our holdings, read Maps in Other TSLAC Collections.