Texas State Archives Map Collection

Mapa de las Fortificaciones de Zacatecas y la Accion de Guadalupe, dada por el Exmo. General Presidente Santa Anna Contra los tropas Zacatecanas 11 de Mayo 1835
Date: 1835
Publisher: -- None Listed --
Cartographer: -- None Listed --
Scale: none given
Size: 68 cm x 21 cm
Type of Map: military
Format: black & white, engraved, lithographed, printed
Language: Spanish
AC Number: 01936
Photo Media: -- None Listed --
File Size: 21.97 MB

Mapa de las Fortificaciones de Zacatecas y la Accion de Guadalupe, dada por el Exmo. General Presidente Santa Anna Contra los tropas Zacatecanas 11 de Mayo 1835 Image:

(Title translated) Map of the fortifications of Zacatecas and the action of Guadalupe, taken by His Execellancy General Presidente Santa Anna, against the troops of Zacatecas, 11 May 1835 Shows rivers, creeks, mountainous areas, roads, buildings, fortifications, and the placement of troops. Inset: (Key explaining the different types of troops located on the map). There is a list describing the origin of the map and history of the battle. Note on reverse: "This map was said to have been in Genl' Santa Anna's camp equipment when he was captured at Battle of San Jacinto, April 21, 1836." Reproduction. Original in possession of Bob Davis, Waco, Texas. 5/3/84

The Texas State Archives Map Collection contains original, photo-reproduced, and compiled maps covering the period from the early seventeenth through the late twentieth centuries. For general information about the holdings and descriptive information available, read the map introduction and indexes and types of maps webpages. For our copy policy, view our webpage on preservation, access, and reproductions.

For information on additional maps in our holdings, read Maps in Other TSLAC Collections.