Sam Houston to Edmund Pendleton Gaines, August 24, 1836

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Sam Houston to Edmund Pendleton Gaines, August 1836

Nacogdoches ____ [?]

24th Aug 1836


Today by a man directly from the

Army of Texas, I have learned that a

movement is massing on Matamoros.

I doubt not the truth of it, as he assures

me the [that] Genl Green had visited Pass

Cavallo or Dimits landing to ascer-

tain whether he could obtain trans-

ports for the Infantry, and that his

report to Genl Rusk was affirmative[.]

You are aware of my opinions

on this subject, and that I am most

positively opposed to any advance

upon the enemy, particularly when

our situation and controversy has

become a subject of reference to

the Government of the U. States.

By Lieut Griffin whom I under-

stood, had borne dispatches from

your Excellency to the Government of

of [sic] Texas as well as to Genl Santanna [Santa Anna]

I sent the letter to Genl Rusk of which

I had to [the] honor to enclose you a

Duplicate of. In the event of the

advance upon Matamoros by our

army, and it shou’d prove disastrous

the necessity of a large force on

this frontier is all that can shelter

the inhabitants from massacre!

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Sam Houston to Edmund Pendleton Gaines, August 24, 1836. Andrew Jackson Houston Papers #516, Archives and Information Services Division, Texas State Library and Archives Commission.

Page last modified: April 5, 2011