Sam Houston to John Forsyth, October 1838
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Texian Legation
Octr 1838
Since the date of your correspondence
with Gen. Hunt on the
Subject of the proposition of the Annexation
of Texas to the United States—although
that proposition was then considered
by the Government finally disposed of—Texas has never-
theless continued to be generally regarded by [the]
people of both countries as in the atti-
tude of an applicant for admission
into this union.
In order to prevent any
future misunderstanding upon this
Subject, and believing than [sic] an expl-
icit avowal of its present own policy
in reference to this measure would conduce mutually to the
interests of both countries, the Govern-
ment of Texas has directed the undersigned
most respectfully but unconditionally
to withdraw the proposition.
Accordingly The Undersigned Minister
Plenipotentiary of the Republic of
Texas, in compliance with his
Sam Houston to John Forsyth, October 1838. Andrew Jackson Houston Papers #1880, Archives and Information Services Division, Texas State Library and Archives Commission.