David Thomas to Sam Houston, April 4, 1836 - Page 2
property or their character[.] [W]e think that the enemy
will attempt to get possession of our ports and harbours
and will fall down the coast instead of crossing the
Brasos [Brazos]. [I]f that should be the case—it then becomes
a question—where is the best position to intercept his
movements. The people are still retiring beyond the Trinity[.]
[M]any say they will return to the army so soon as they
can provide situations for their families[.] [W]e have very few
men here at our command—therefore are unable to exercise
the controle [sic] of men as we could desire. If the enemy could
be meet and receive a check in their movements[,] the people
I have no doubt would rally to your standared [sic] and very
soon your force would be sufficient to drive the Enemy in
turn beyond the Guadalupe and again close him up
in San Antonia [sic].
There was an order from this department
founded on one issueing [sic] from Capt Baker in which an order
was recited from you requesting the arrest of Edward Gosllon [?].
[H]e is here in custody[.] [W]e are not advised of the charges
against him nor have we been able to discover any thing
prejudicial to him personally as [but] he will be retained in safe
custody untill [sic] we here [sic] from you etc.
I am with great Respect yours etc.
David Thomas
Acting Secy at War
David Thomas to Sam Houston, April 4, 1836. Andrew Jackson Houston Collection #315, Archives and Information Services Division, Texas State Library and Archives Commission, 2-22/150.