Charles Kirsch to General [Benjamin?] Butler, April 4, 1869
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Huntsville Apr 4th 1869
Gen Butler
Dear Sir
[A]s I have found where you are
I think it Best to let you
know the condition that I am
placed in and ask your advice
|and assistence [sic]. I went into
texas in december 66[.] I comm.-
enc[e]d work at my trade as a
pa[i]nter[.] I was at work in the
town of Victoria[,] dewite [DeWitt] Co[.]
I was imploid [employed] to a man
painting his house[.] I was to
furnish paints and doo [sic] the
worke [sic] for $45 dollars
and after I was done [with] the
work[,] he told me I had
to waite [sic] for my pay until
the next cotten [sic] crop was
sold[.] So I went to the mayor
of the town and stated the
matter over to him and
he told me that the man
oed [owed] moar [sic] then [than] he had
property to pay[.]
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Charles Kirsch to General [Benjamin?] Butler, April 4, 1869. Correspondence Concerning the Penitentiary, Records Relating to the Penitentiary, Archives and Information Services Division, Texas State Library and Archives Commission.
Page last modified: February 10, 2016