Letter from Louisa Jo Holmes, 1850
As this letter shows, the lives of women on the frontier were characterized by hardship and loss. This Corsicana woman writes to her family in "Arkansaw" to send someone to bring her home after the death of both husband and infant.
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January the [8th] 1850 Navaro co Texas
Dear Father and Mother it is under peculiar
circumstances that I seat myself to hold
communicatin with you. Harvy is no more
he is in the spirit world and I am left a
lonley and desolate widow with two little children
my Baby is dedd and I want you or some body
to come here after me as soon as you receive
this letter. Harvy died with the inflamation in the
bowels the children is both sick and it is doubt
ful whether Sarah will git well or not
We come here and put up a shop and
calcolated to come backstate in the Spring
We staid here 3 months and he died and
I am left aloan when you come bring a
two horse wagon my wagon is noacount
I have got a yoak of oxen I live in Corsicana
Navarow County write me a letter as soon
as you rceive this. I have not heared
from any of you since last spring
so no more at preasant but remain
your afetionate daughter until deat[h]
Luiza Jo Homes
Harvy died the second day of this day
the child died the 20 day of october 1849
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Letter from Louisa Jo Holmes, 1850, Harry Holmes Family Papers, Archives and Information Services Division, Texas State Library and Archives Commission.
Page last modified: August 24, 2011