Lois Dorris to Clements, March 5, 1979
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One of the enduring issues faced by every recent governor of Texas and every session of the Texas Legislature is funding for education. Teacher salaries always figure prominently in the overall issue of funding for education. During Governor Clements' first term an increase in pay for teachers was a particularly hot topic. Many teachers wrote to Governor Clements about the issue.
Perhaps the most unusual communication to the governor was a parody of the Lord's Prayer titled "The Teacher's Prayer" by three teachers in the Wharton ISD. Note the underlined C below the prayer. It was a regular practice of Governor Clements to place that underlined C on documents that he read. In this case he instructed his Special Assistant for Administration, Allen B. Clark, Jr., to draft a response. Clark also sent along a form letter that was sent to virtually everyone who wrote about higher pay for teachers in which Governor Clements explained what increases were being proposed.
Teachers did receive a 5.1% raise that was in addition to other raised provided in previous legislation. Many retired teachers wrote to thank Governor Clements for their raises, but very few active teachers thanked the Governor.
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Courtesy William P. Clements, Jr. Records, Cushing Library, Texas A&M University.