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Historic Flags of the Texas State Library and Archives

TSLAC 306-4055 Lone Star Flag (Modern)

Beautiful as a flower to those who love it, terrible as a meteor to those who hate it.
- George Frisbie Hoar

Flags are among the world's most powerful symbols. Perhaps no other man-made object carries such power to move our emotions.

Many of the flags in this collection were carried by Texans into America's bloodiest battles. These flags have caused Texans to salute them with pride; for other Texans they may engender feelings of outrage. Such symbolism continues to evolve over time, and each flag may mean different things to different people.

In this exhibit, the Texas State Library and Archives Commission presents its collection of historic flags -- forty in all -- for the first time. Information on each flag includes a high-resolution image and the documentation held by this institution. Many of these flags are too large and too endangered to be exhibited or handled. This digital exhibit makes possible the most extensive exploration yet of these rare treasures of Texas history.

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Page last modified: December 15, 2015