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Texas Public Libraries: New Peer-Learning Trainings on Data Fluency and Summer Learning This Spring

Attention Texas public libraries: the Texas State Library and Archives Commission (TSLAC) invites you to participate in a new peer-learning program from March to July 2024. This program is designed to build public libraries’ capacity and skill to collect, analyze and communicate data, demonstrate the vital role of public libraries in using and analyzing data,…

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New TSLAC January Webinar on AI and Libraries

On Tuesday, January 30, TSLAC is providing a free 1-hour webinar about the new generative artificial intelligence (AI) technology and how one librarian in a small rural library is pioneering its use to serve her community. Hope you can join us! (Register here) Title: Make Your Life Easier with AI: How AI Revolutionizes Library Services…

Small Business Summit in Fredericksburg

Looking for a networking or a new professional development opportunity? Keep an eye out for the next time that the Governor’s Small Business Summit is in your area. The Governor’s Economic Development & Tourism Office (EDT) hosts numerous events of this kind throughout the year. Just in the past few months, they went to Beaumont,…