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TexShare Database Cost Subsidy for FY2023

The TexShare Databases are funded by the State of Texas, TexShare member institutions, and a grant from the US Institute of Museum and Library Services.

For FY23, institutions may calculate the state and federal portion of the total cost of the TexShare electronic resources as a per user subsidy. The subsidy amounts by type of institution are:

  Per Capita Subsidy Basis Total Population
Academic - Community College $3.44 Undergraduate FTE 594,253
Academic - 4 Year & Graduate $3.83 Undergraduate FTE 795,366
Medical $7.38 Bed count plus staff and/or Student FTE 138,211
Public Library $0.23 Service population 25,534,428


The total fee paid by the Texas State Library and Archives Commission in FY23 was multiplied by the percentage of total retail cost for each class of library. The fees paid by the class of library were subtracted, and the result was divided by the total population for that class.

Page last modified: September 6, 2023