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TexShare libraries work together to offer patrons exclusive e-content, online education and career advancement tools, and expanded borrowing privileges.
With more than 1,000 libraries and branches across the state, you can always find your nearest TexShare library!

TexShare FAQ
What is TexShare?
TexShare is a cooperative program designed to improve service to Texans. Members include public libraries that belong to the regional library systems, academic libraries, and libraries of clinical medicine. TexShare enables libraries to offer a broader range of materials and services than any single library can provide for its constituents.
What are the TexShare Databases?
Licensed exclusively for patrons at TexShare libraries, these electronic reference resources offer authoritative, full-text articles from verifiable, subscription-only sources. Find e-Books, magazine articles, newspapers, and much more. Ask your local reference librarian for access information.
What is the TexShare Card?
With a TexShare Card, a library patron may directly borrow books, music, movies and more from any other participating TexShare library, just as if he or she were card-holder there. If your local library participates in the TexShare Card program, you can request a TexShare Card at the circulation desk. See each library's lending policy for eligibility and restrictions.