Mailing Lists
The TexShare Users mailing list is available to help disseminate important information and provide a forum for discussion. The list is for use by librarians and staff at TexShare member institutions.
Please note: The list is configured not to accept posted messages from anyone who is not subscribed to it. This is to avoid spam (unsolicited advertisements) and other non-topical posts. If you are not subscribed, have changed your e-mail address, or have had a mail server name change on your campus, your postings will not make it to the list. Additionally, you will not be receiving messages from the list. If your e-mail address has changed in any way, you have the option of adding your new e-mail address to our mailing list software by using a password to change your subscription options. Please click on the mailing list link below for more information, or send an e-mail to
TexShare Users
To subscribe to TexShare-Users, intended for administrative and general discussion regarding TexShare services, operations, projects, and governance, fill out the form available to you at the link below. You will be sent an e-mail requesting confirmation, to prevent others from gratuitously subscribing you.
Enter your e-mail address on the form and hit the subscribe button. You have the option of entering a password or having a password mailed to you. You will NOT need this password to post or receive messages from the list. This password will only be needed when you want to edit your personal mailing list options, or when you want to unsubscribe.
Communicating with TexShare
If you have any questions about the TexShare electronic mailing lists, please contact :
Texas State Library and Archives
PO Box 12927
Austin, Tx 78711-2927