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Petition for the Emancipation of Liley, November 1, 1847

Page 1

Liley was able to save enough to purchase her own freedom, and more than 80 people, including her owner, signed this petition to the legislature to allow her to become emancipated and live free without having to leave Texas. By 1860, most loopholes that allowed slaves to become free had been closed.

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Delila petition - Page 1

State of Texas
County of Harris

To the Honorable the Senate
and House of Representatives of the State of Texas

We the undersigned present to the
favorable consideration of the Representatives of
the Free inhabitants of the State of Texas
the Colored Woman Liley, who has been a
resident of the City of Houston for the last
five years. By her industry and good conduct
she has been enabled to realize sufficient
of means to purchase her freedom, and
we feel interested in her case and feel
that it is one of those case that ought to
recived the favorable notice of a free
and generous people and as such we
ask that a law may be passed emanci-
pating her, and authorizing her to remain in Texas.

Houston Nov 1st 1847

I Cynthia Ewing lately the owner
of the Colored Woman Liley, do certify that she
is a woman of a good moral character,
that she has fully paid me for her liberty -
and I ask that the Legislature of Texas may
pass a law tode emancipate her.



Petition for the Emancipation of Liley, November 1, 1847, Texas Secretary of State, Memorials and Petitions, Archives and Information Services Division, Texas State Library and Archives Commission.

Page last modified: January 6, 2021