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Proclamation Ratifying the Boundary Convention Between the United States and the Republic of Texas, 1838

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Boundary Proclamation

Sam Houston, President of the
Republic of Texas: To all and singular who shall
see these presents.


Whereas a Convention for making the
boundary between the Republic of Texas, and the United States
of America was concluded and signed by their Ple=
=nipotentiaries in the City of Washington on the
twenty-fifth day of April, One thousand Eight
hundred and thirty eight, and the original of which
is hereunto annexed: and Whereas the Senate of
the Republic of Texas, by their resolution of the
twenty third day of May, One thousand
Eight hundred and thirty eight, two thirds of the Sen=
=ators present concurring, did advise and consent
to the ratification of the said convention:
Now therefor I, Sam Houston, President of the Re=
=public of Texas having seen and considered
the said Convention, do in presence of the afore=
=said advice and consent of the Senate of the Re=
=public of Texas by these presents, accept, ratify
and confirm the said convention and every art=
=icle and clause thereof,

In faith whereof I
have caused the great seal of the Republic of
Texas to be hereunto affixed.

Given under my hand
at the city of Houston this
fourth day of October in the
year of our Lord, One thou=
=sand Eight Hundred and
thirty Eight, and of the In=
=dependence of the Republic
of Texas the third.------

By the President

Sam Houston

R.A. Irion
Secretary of State

Page last modified: April 11, 2016