Robert E. Lee to Governor Sam Houston, 1860
H'd Qrs: Dept. of Texas
Fort Brown, 20 april 1860
His Ex'y
Sam Houston
Governor of Texas
I had the honour on the 11th Inst: to
receive from the Honb'le Geo: McKnight, Comm'r of the
State, your Communication of the 24' Ulto:
Having no authority to receive volunteers into the
Service of the U. States, I was unable to retain the
Squadron of Rangers on the Rio Grande upon
the Conditions proposed.
It is gratifying to me to state that Major Heintz-
elman Comm'r the U.S. troops on the Rio Grand
Speaks in Complimentary terms of the Conduct of
both officers & men composing the Squadron &
particularly Commends Major Ford & Capt. Littleton
commanding the two Companies.
You will be pleased to learn that at this time
there are no disturbances on this frontier & that I
hear of the presence of no banditti on either side
of the river.
I am with high respect your Obt Servt
R.E. Lee
Bt Col Comm't Dept. of Texas
Col. R.E. Lee
Fort Brown
April 20/60
Respecting the
Troops upon the
Rio Grande