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Benjamin R. Milam and Edward Burleson to the President of the Provisional Government, December 6, 1835

Joseph Lopez, a participant in the Siege of Bexar, noted: "There never was greater confusion, in a body of eleven hundred farmers and mechanics, than there was in those which formed the attacking army of General Burleson."

On December 5, about 5 a.m., James C. Neill made a feint at the Alamo while the bulk of the volunteers under Benjamin R. Milam and Francis W. Johnson stormed the city, taking the Veramendi Palace and other houses on the north side of the plaza. House-to-house fighting continued through the next day. Then, on November 7, Milam was killed by a sniper.

Until this bold attack led by Milam, Edward Burleson (who had succeeded Stephen F. Austin as commander of the forces in the field) had preferred a retreat to Goliad to await men and supplies. However, he sustained the assault, and after Ugartechea arrived with 600 reinforcements, was able to withstand the Mexican attacks on the army in the field and to supplement the fighters in the city itself.

A weather note from Joseph Lopez: ".though in the midst of winter we never had a cold day, the weather was as warm as summer nor was there any rain, during the whole time we were in San Anton.."

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Letter from Milam and Burleson

Head Q Camp before Bexar
To the Presidt of the provisional Govt

Yesterday morning at day
light or rather Some twenty minutes before, Col Milam with
a party of say about 300 volunteers, made an assault upon the
town of Bexar. His party he divided into 2 Divisions, which
on entering into the town took possession of 2 houses near
each other near the plaza, where they have been ever
since battling with the enemy-They have so far had a
fierce Contest, --The enemy offering a strong & obstinate
resistance-It is difficult to determine what injury has
been done him. Many Killed Certainly, but how many
cannot be Told-on our Side ten or twelve, wounded
2 Killed-The houses occupied by us commanding some
of the Cannon in the plaza have silenced them entirely
as it is reported to us-The issue is doubtful of Course
Ugartechea is on the way with Considerable reinforce=
=ments, how near exactly, has not yet been ascertained
precisely but certainly he is not more that Some 50 or 60
miles off. This Express has been dispatched, for an
immediate Supply of ammunition-as much powder
and Lead as Can possibly be Sent instantly-of the
first mentioned article, there is none beyond the
Cannon Cartridges already made up-I hope that
good mules or horses will be procured, to Send on these
articles with the greatest possible speed-travelling
night & day, for there is not a moment to be lost.

Reinforcements of men also are also perhaps indes
pensable to our Salvation-I hope every exertion will be
made to force them out to our relief immediately-

B.R. Milam
Edward Burleson

Page last modified: March 9, 2016