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Samuel Hamilton Walker to Mrs. Ann M. Walker, May 6, 1843

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amuel H. Walker to Ann Walker, May 1843

of Jackson City Ala who escaped with both arms [broke?] the night
after he was shot and made his way back to Saltillo where he
was again taken & executed[.] [T]hey all however met their fate like
brave & gallant soldiers who were willing to die for their coun-
tries sake[.] [I]t may be truly said that they met death with a manly
firmness that added much to the honour & glory of their country[.]
[T]heir last request was that their countrymen might avenge their
death, which we have sworn to do, after this unhallowed scene
of cold blooded murder we were told that no further atonement
would be required But to when within twelve leagues of this City
our much esteemed & gallant commander Capt Cameron whom
we had chosen after our break at the Salado was taken out & shot
for the avowed purpose of filling the order to shoot every tenth man
but it was evidently [to] get him out of the way lest they might have
cause to fear him hereafter on the frontier of Texas[.] [T]hese things
have been represented to the foreign ministers and they [are?]
now interesting themselves in our behalf, which will probably
protect us from future outrag[e]s, but how long our imprisonment will
last I kow [know] not[.] [W]e have been told we would be put in chains and
put to work but we intend to resist all impositions not legally imposed
on prisoners of war[.] [T]his country is now on the eve of revolution[.]
Santa Anna rules the country single handed[.] I am not much
pleased with Mexico as the country is generally very poor. Texas is worth
a dozen such countries with all of Santa Anna’s boasted wealth and
great resources[.] I have not heard from home since I arrived in
Texas, but I am now writing to my correspondents[.] [Y]ou must
give my best wishes to all inquiring friends and tell them I
desire to be remembered by them, nothing more[.] So I remain
most sincere & devoted friend


SH Walker


To Mrs AM Walker


Samuel Hamilton Walker to Mrs. Ann M. Walker, May 6, 1843. Samuel Hamilton Walker Papers, Archives and Information Services Division, Texas State Library and Archives Commission.

Page last modified: March 28, 2016