Voices of Texas History

William Barret Travis' 1836 Letter from the
Alamo. Read by Texas Governor Rick Perry

"Handicapped" suffrage document
Read by former First Lady Laura Bush

Sam Houston letter to Andrew Jackson
Read by U.S. Senator John Cornyn

Voices of Texas History LogoAbout Voices of Texas History

The voices that have contributed to the history of our great state are numerous and varied. These voices come down to us in written documents that tell of tragedy and triumph, determination and devotion. Voices of Texas History brings to life the inspiring written historical record as spoken by notable Texans of today.

We are pleased that Governor Rick Perry was the first to give voice to one of the most important documents in Texas history. Governor Perry reads William Barret Travis's compelling letter written from the Alamo, under siege by the Mexican Army under General Santa Anna in 1836. Former First Lady Laura Bush recorded a 1919 broadside entitled "Handicapped," which appeals for support for women's suffrage. United States Senator John Cornyn read sections of an 1844 letter from Republic of Texas President Sam Houston to former U.S. President Andrew Jackson emphasizing his support of Texas' annexation by the United States.

You may hear these readings by clicking on the title of the historical document. We hope you enjoy and learn from these tributes to the Voices of Texas History.

Page last modified: November 21, 2018