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William Kidd to Sam Houston, April 27, 1837

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William Kidd to Sam Houston, April 1837

New Orleans April 27th 1837

In the Dearie [Diario]-del-Gobierno de Mexico of the 2nd April 1837

it is stated that the Secretaries of State and of war presented themselves

in Congress two days before and that the former Manifested to this

Assembly the fact that by the Bee of New Orleans of the 13th March

it appeared the United States had recognized the Independence

of Texas, and named a Plenipotentiary near that New Republic

that although these documents could not be considered as completely

official yet appearing in a Journal of the Government of Louis[iana]

the thing could not be doubted, and that this being an act

which attacks and offends decidedly the sovereignty of the Nation,

The Mexican Government have formed a Protest against

the measure.” Immediately following this Editorial notice

is a copy of an article from the Bee under the Heading of

Recognition of the Republic of Texas, then follows a copy

of the speech of the Mexican Secretary of War. He tells the

Congress, that this event has been dexterously prepared

many years back, that they have been witness of the

management and intrigues with which the United States

have tenaciously endeavored to acquire a part of

the Territory of Mexico with the same punic faith with

which they obtained the Floridas[.] He further charges

the United States with preparing armed expeditions

to aid the rebel colonists, with insulting Mexican Vessels[,]

conducting them them [sic] to American Ports, and there treating

them as Pirates, while the true Pirates displayed a New

and unknown flag in the same ports and received every kind

of assistance and protection. ([I]n another part it says) and

our Men are now ready to enter on that ungreatful [sic] soil

and the God of Battles will be with them because it is a war

of Justice etc. etc.

What will be the alternative preferred by

the people of the U.S. War! immediate War!! against

the Despotic government and Savage Army of Mexico[.]

Sir[,] This is but a short sketch of

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William Kidd to Sam Houston, April 27, 1837. Andrew Jackson Houston Papers #1024, Archives and Information Services Division, Texas State Library and Archives Commission.

Page last modified: April 5, 2011