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Sam Houston to Isaac Van Zandt, January 29, 1844

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Sam Houston to Isaac Van Zandt, January 1844

at this time, (retaining it as a matter for future consider-

ation) you will sound them and, if possible, bring about

a treaty of alliance, offensive and defensive towards Mexico.

[I]f this should not be effected, I cannot see, from the

message of the President of the U.S. what impediment

could be urged against the conclusion of a defensive treaty,

If, however, this shall not be done, you will in this way

at least have their reasons for declining to do so, and thus

enable us to determine how far we shall be justified

in relying upon that Govt for friendly offices in the event

of necessity. Heretofore no proposition of this kind has been

submitted to any other Government, but should the U.S.

decline to embrace it, (and that with a reasonable

of cheerfulness) it could not be supposed that Texas would

be remiss in preparing herself for any emergency which might

arise from our pending negotiations being broken off with

Mexico. They must be satisfied that all the noise about

British influence has had no foundation in truth—at the

same time they must be convinced that England has ren-

dered important service to Texas, by her mediatorial influence

with Mexico.

If the U.S. really intend to deprive England of all connec-

tions on this continent, a treaty of alliance offensive and defen-

sive formed with this country against Mexico, would enable

that Government to retain an influence in the affairs of

Texas which could be done by no other circumstance. In

Novr 1842, when Texas protested to the three great powers against

the course pursued by Mexico in her war with this country,

it was understood the three powers were to act in harmony

so far as any mediation was to be interposed. From some

circumstances England appears to have been more active

and efficient in her efforts. The U.S. from their contiguity

in situation, had greater facilities than England at their com-

mand; and had they been as forward in their efforts at mediation

as England, it would have been more grateful to the citizens of Texas.

A moments [sic] reflection will present many reasons why it should

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Sam Houston to Isaac Van Zandt, January 29, 1844. Andrew Jackson Houston Papers #3305, Archives and Information Services Division, Texas State Library and Archives Commission.

Page last modified: April 5, 2011