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Anson Jones to Charles Raymond, August 6, 1844

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Anson Jones to Charles Raymond, August 1844

Department of State

Washington Augt. 6th 1844

To C.H. Raymond Esq.

acting Charge d.Affaires of Texas


Information has just been

received through Col. J.C. Hays commanding

on our South western frontier, that Mexico

is actually about to make a hostile

movement upon this country. Enclosed

herewith I send you the copy of a

letter from the Hon. G.W.

HIll Secretary of War and Marine

addressed on today to this

Department with the accompanying

documents marked A. & B. which

will place you more freely in poss-

ession of the particulars in relation

to the immediate expected movements

of the enemy.

Information received from the city

of Mexico though the agent of the

United States Government there has

made known the fact that, Gen.

Santa Anna is engaged in raising

funds, and recruiting an army for

the avowed purpose of attempting to subjugate Texas

and that in pursuance of his design

he has already despatched a number

of troops from the city of Mexico

& is concentrating them and other

forces upon the Rio Grande.

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Anson Jones to Charles Raymond, August 6, 1844. United States Diplomatic Correspondence, Texas Secretary of State records, Archives and Information Services Division, Texas State Library and Archives Commission.

Page last modified: April 5, 2011