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D.H. Farr to Governor Francis R. Lubbock, February 13, 1862
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Kerrs Ville Kerr County
Govenor [sic] F.R. Lubbock
Austin Texas
Dear Sir
I often [offer] my respects 2 day to you that
we the citizens of gillespy [Gillespie] & kerr countys [sic]
need Justice and I know of no other to
apply to to get it onley [sic] to your excellencey [sic] whitch [sic]
I am satisfyed [sic] you will grant under
the existing circumstances when you have
the facts set forth as follows[.]
Mr Cameron of freidericksburg came over
here to inform me that the arrangement
was mad[e] to meet the enrolling officer
at the live oak mill 5 miles from the
town of freidrecksburg on the 1 day of
this month[.] [W]e met accordingly[.]
Some of our men met him as they
came to the mill and he sed [sic]
he k[n]ew no thing of the appoint-
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D.H. Farr to Governor Francis R. Lubbock, February 13, 1862. Records of Governor Francis R. Lubbock.