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Triumph and Tragedy: Presidents of the Republic of Texas

Mirabeau Lamar to David G. Burnet, July 17, 1836

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Mirabeau Lamar to David Burnet, July 1836


Head Quarters
17th July 1836  

To His Excellency
President Burnet  

Dear Sir—  

            I have just recd
several letters from you on various subjects to none
of which have I time to reply at present. I have
but five minutes to dictate this note to let
you know the dreadful state of affairs in the
Army. Every thing is in the utmost confusion
and rebellion. On my arrival, I was informed
that I could not be recognized as commander
in chief. I proposed to speak to the Soldiers,
and did so, but was answered by [Thomas J.] Rusk, [Thomas J.] Greene [Green]
and Felix Houston [Huston] who carried the popular
current against me. I had an open rupture
with Genl Rusk believing it to be the secret
arrangement of his to supplant me. Some hos-
tile correspondence insued [sic]; which instead of
leading to further difficulty has
resulted in this arrangement viz that he
is to recognize my orders in future; that
the regulars and about 6 or 8 volunteer companies
are to march to another encampment under
my Command; Where I shall issue my
Orders as Commander in Chief to the balance
of the Army of Texas, and if Greene and
Felix Houston still maintain their present
attitude of rebellion to my authority, I shall
punish them by Court Martial if possible,
& if not shall report them to Congress.  

            You will perceive from this dreadful
state of affairs the high & absolute necessity
of convening a Congress. Nothing else can save
the Country from dreadful disorganization
and anarchy. The general officers all
seem determined to defy the civil authority

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Mirabeau Lamar to David G. Burnet, July 17, 1836. Mirabeau B. Lamar Papers #414, Archives and Information Services Division, Texas State Library and Archives Commission.


Page last modified: August 10, 2011