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Fear, Force, and Leather: The Texas Prison System&rsquot;s First Hundred Years 1848-1948

Henry Helms, Convict Biography, September 6, 1929

Page 3

Note: Record redacted. The record displayed is redacted to mask information that may be confidential under the Texas Public Information Act. (Texas Government Code, Section 552.101 (information confidential by law)).

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Convict biography  of Henry Helms on his way to the death chamber, September 6, 1929

Subject is faining [feigning] insanity and refuses to speak-These sheets are made
up from information as revealed under #54991-Henry Helms.

Convict’s Biography


Register No. EX 70                   Name Helms, Henry
Last Residence Eastland, Texas. ?????
Employed at Rig Builder  Number years experience 13 years
Name last employer ?????      P.O.
Do you drink? No Gamble? No  Use tobacco? Yes  In what form?   Cigts
Member of what church? None   What lodge         None
Father’s name [redacted]     Address        Wichita Falls, Texas.
Mother’s name [redacted]       “            Wichita Falls, Texas.
Wife’s name   [redacted]       “            Wichita Falls, Texas.
Brother’s name  X
Sister’s name X
Ever arrested before Yes   When  Where
For what arrested
Ever in penitentiary, reformatory or workhouse  Yes
In what State  Texas   County      Wichita
For what convicted Robbery by assault and violence
Ex-register No 54991   Name         Henry Helms
When received   By whom    Date     6/23/1926
How long did you serve   Discharged  Pardoned   Yes   Paroled  Escaped
From where discharged Pardoned  By whom Procl #20397 Date     1/10/1927
In event I should get seriously ill, injured or die I wish you to notify [redacted]  (w)                                                                         Wichita Falls, Texas.
Date 9/3/1929  Age 33 (29) Term Death   Race White  Shoe 10½
Any service in U.S. army or navy? No

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Excerpts from the death row file of Henry Helms (#70), September 6, 1929. Historical death row files, Texas Department of Criminal Justice, Archives and Information Services Division, Texas State Library and Archives Commission.


Page last modified: February 10, 2016