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Fear, Force, and Leather: The Texas Prison System&rsquot;s First Hundred Years 1848-1948

J.K.P. Campbell, Statement of present conditions and facts relating to returned convicts, 1875

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Report of J.K.P. Campbell, 1875

Statement of present condition and facts relating 26
returned Convicts received June 24th from O&H RR and
Woodchopping force by direction of His Excellency through
Hon A.J. Peeler Asst Atty Genl Peeler 28th ult



Name Remarks
1 J.R. Blair Suffering from Scurvy & severe pain in breast
2 J.W. Marshall Shot in attempting to escape, 2 buckshot in back & 4 buckshot in arm. shot about 2d April, improving
3 John Dowd Suffering from Scurvy 2 months improving
4. Chas Wyberg “ “ hurt in breast by plank falling
on it June 8th
5 F. Olinberger Arm badly beaten by stick in the hands of guard Carson causing Erysepilas [sic]—lame in left leg ruptured ______[?] –in bad condition
6 Eugene Sellers Suffering from Scurvy 2 months
7 W. Haygood “ “ Scurvy 2 months, lungs affected
8 Jack. Harlan “ “ Scurvy & diarhoea [sic]
9 Nicola Sosa “ “ Scurvy 1 month. badly off
10 Manuel Garcia “ “ Scurvy pain in side with
cough 4 months improving some


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J.K.P. Campbell, Statement of present conditions and facts relating to returned convicts, 1875. Superintendent/Inspector, Reports, Records Relating to the Penitentiary, Archives and Information Services Division, Texas State Library and Archives Commission.

Page last modified: February 10, 2016