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Fear, Force, and Leather: The Texas Prison System&rsquot;s First Hundred Years 1848-1948

J.K.P. Campbell, Statement of present conditions and facts relating to returned convicts, 1875

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Report of J.K.P. Campbell, 1875


Statement Continued




22 J.B. Nicholson Suffering from Measels [sic] followed by Scurvy, 2 months
23 Jas. Blanchard “ “ Scurvy 2 ½ months improving
24 Natio. Gonzales “ “ Scurvy 3 “ “
25 Wm. Friman Shot in right arm in attempting to escape healed, but crippled for life
26 Geo. Simpsen Shot in right thigh by buckshot in attempting to escape, healed, but crippled for life

The remarks opposite each man’s name are answers to questions
put to them by me, and in the main I presume to be correct.
what these men now need are tonics, acids, frequent bathing
and good vegetable diet. It takes a long time to get Scurvy out
of the system when badly affected as some of these men

Respectfully Submitted.
J.K.P. Campbell.

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J.K.P. Campbell, Statement of present conditions and facts relating to returned convicts, 1875. Superintendent/Inspector, Reports, Records Relating to the Penitentiary, Archives and Information Services Division, Texas State Library and Archives Commission.

Page last modified: February 10, 2016