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The Movement Comes of Age

Erminia Thompson Folsom to Annette Finnigan, December 23, 1912

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Erminia T. Folsom to Annette Finnigan, 1912

to myself, I must say that I never even

suggested that she should act as my

proxy in the Executive Committee. I

thought she understood that Texas was

not entitled to enough delegates so that

the Texas W.S.A. could even make her a dele-

gate to the N.A.W.S.A. convention, even if the

Texas W.S.A. had wished it. I was some

what bothered that she was there knowing

something about the work in Texas without

knowing what a delegate should know

about it, — I deeply regret that I was not

there, though you as our State president

had the right to the only vote Texas was

entitled to. If the Suffrage work had

not been so new to her, I think she would

have realized better what we talked over

while she was here, — after she had read

over the N.A.W.S.A. constitution, I did talk

about some of its points.

            I have been given the impression that

Texas did not have a delegate that was

recognized at the convention at Philadel-

phia. Is it possible that you did not

have a vote in the convention?

            I am still very anxious to know whom

you consider the State officer who is

a representative in the executive commit-

tee of the N.A.W.S.A. It was decided

that I should cast the Texas vote at

the Seattle convention.


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Erminia Thompson Folsom to Annette Finnigan, December 23, 1912, Erminia Thompson Folsom Collection, Archives and Information Services Division, Texas State Library and Archives Commission.

Page last modified: June 17, 2011