Welcome home, come on in!

Decorative logo for library management services at the Texas State Library and Archives Commission

These freshly remodeled Texas State Library and Archives Commission (TSLAC) Texas Public Library Management webpages are your management services internet home, organized with a place for everything—and now everything is in its place!


New Director Resources

welcome mat in front of a door with a persons feet and legs standing befor it
small colletion screws, nuts, keys on a key ring, a tape measure, a pencil, and a wrench on top of a wooden surface with a computer keyboard

TSLAC’s Library Development and Networking Division ensures access to information and resources Texas public library directors and managers need to make their libraries work for their communities. These tools connect libraries to our management services and help them stay one step ahead!

Congratulations you on your new role! We are your partner in this, providing accreditation and grant opportunities, plus consulting and training services.

Small Library Management

African American woman facing the camera with her arms crossed standing in front of a bookshelf

Library Governance

gavel resting on its stand in front of an open book

Since 1994, the Small Library Management training program provides library skills education, from the fundamental to the managerial, to all who work in Texas small community libraries. 

We have gathered a wealth of information about library governance—including board resources, library policies, strategic planning, and succession planning—to ensure that effectively managed Texas public libraries can support their communities.


For more information, visit our management services page or contact Christina Taylor at ctaylor@tsl.texas.gov.

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