The Battle of San Jacinto

Letter on Mexican Fortifications from P.G.T. Beauregard, C.S.A., to McArdle, May 28, 1892

Article on General Beauregard at the Beauregard Library Website

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Beauregard to McArdle, May 1892

Mr. H. A. McArdle



New Orleans, May 28/92 [1892]

Mr. H. A. McArdle

            Independence -Tex -

            Your favor of the 21st

inst & sketch were duly recd,

but could not be answered soo-

ner. It is difficult to say what

may have been the shape or plans

of the Mexican fortification,

which must have conformed

to the locality, as you seem to

have it. It was probably a "Sa-

lient" with the piece of arty [artillery] on

the angle. As you may have

need of your sketch, which is

quite well drawn, I return it to

you. I am yrs very truly

G. T. Beauregard

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Letter on Mexican Fortifications from P.G.T. Beauregard, C.S.A., to McArdle, May 28, 1892, The Battle of San Jacinto Notebook, The McArdle Notebooks, Archives and Information Services Division, Texas State Library and Archives Commission.

Page last modified: May 18, 2016