Ricardo de Zavala to McArdle, October 20, 1892
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Article and Documents About Lorenzo de Zavala - in our "Texas Treasures" Online Exhibit
Lynchburg Oct 20
Mr. McArdle
Dear Sir
Yours of the 16 inst
recd. The soil
of the battlefield is of
the black waxy character.
The St Annas Lake is
about 200 yards Long
to about 100 wide.
The battlefield is about
1/2 mile from the Lake.
The prairie grass has seed
heads but they do not
appear as early as April[,]
some in May & some later[.] [I]t depends on the
season[:] wet early[,] dry later.
Also there are different kinds
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Ricardo de Zavala to McArdle, October 20, 1892, The Battle of San Jacinto Notebook, The McArdle Notebooks, Archives and Information Services Division, Texas State Library and Archives Commission.