F.G. Roberts to McArdle, May 27, 1889
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Graball Washington Co Tex May 27th 1889.
Profr McArdle
Independence Tex
Dear Sir. I notice in the Brenham
Banner a paragraph stating that you were
geting [sic] up a painting to represent the Battle
of San Jacinto—and the surrender of Gen
Santa Anna to Gen Houston.
About the former I know nothing - but
I was well acquainted with general Houston
who often made my fathers house his home
whenever he was about San Augustine in
eastern Texas. He stayed there for some time
immediately after the battle of San Jacinto
while he was nursing a wounded ankle - and
and [sic] on one occasion he showed me how
Santa Anna first approached him and told me
what he Said.
When Santa Anna was brought into camp
it was not known who he was - and his first
object was to See the general in command - and when
taken to Gen Houston he approached him with his
right hand extended and graped [grasped] the hand of
Gen Houston - at the same time grasping the thumb
of Gen Houstons right hand with his, Santa Annas
left hand - Saying "I am General Antonio Lopez
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F.G. Roberts to McArdle, May 27, 1889, The Battle of San Jacinto Notebook, The McArdle Notebooks, Archives and Information Services Division, Texas State Library and Archives Commission.