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The Battle of San Jacinto

Dr. Rufus C. Burleson to McArdle, October 31, 1887

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Burleson to McArdle, October 1887

of Texas of which he was a member

learning there was not good likeness

paid Flintorff a celebrated artist who afterward

flourished in California $500 for the

portrait that hangs up in the Capitol

of Texas. Mr Flintorff never saw Gen.

Burleson except in the Senate Chamber

till after he was a corpse. He caught

the expression from the features and

expression of his bro. John Burleson

and from his general and well known

1st His first great characteristic was Courage

that no form of death or peril could

ever shake in the least degree[.]

2nd His watchfulness — wide awake[.]

He was never caught off his guard

or "naping" [sic] in his life by day or night[.]

3rd He was gentle as a woman and

modest as a girl.

            I will rejoice if you can do

justice to this remarkable Texas hero.

            Our Community is still flourishing

more and more. Wishing you great

and ever increasing success I am

            Yours Affectionately

Rufus C Burleson

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Dr. Rufus C. Burleson to McArdle, October 31, 1887, The Battle of San Jacinto Notebook, The McArdle Notebooks, Archives and Information Services Division, Texas State Library and Archives Commission.

Page last modified: June 27, 2016