Belle Sherman Kendall to McArdle, July 7, 1887
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Handbook of Texas article on Sidney Sherman
Houston July 7th 1887.
Mr. H. A. McArdle
Dear Sir,
I send
to you this evening by Express
the portrait of my Father.
Genl Sidney Sherman, painted,
I believe, in 1837 or 8 by an
Artist in Louisville Ky. It
is a life like picture of
him at that time but
it begins to need a little
brushing up, and if after
you have finished with it if
you will touch it where you
think it needs the brush
I will be much ____ [?]. I
hope you will receive it in
good order — keep it a month
if you like — and return
to me. Wishing you every
success in your work,
which I shall hope one
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Belle Sherman Kendall to McArdle, July 7, 1887, The Battle of San Jacinto Notebook, The McArdle Notebooks, Archives and Information Services Division, Texas State Library and Archives Commission.